Sunday, July 6, 2008

arte y pico awards!

i'm not exactly sure how this blog stuff's sposed to work.
i've just decided i'm gonna type out what's whirlin' in my
mind on the off chance that someone wanderin' thru will
connect and find some sense of relief in that connection.
and i found it's excellent therapy for me. so at the very least

i'm getting some sense of relief!

you wonder tho, sometimes after you type out your heart...
should i be doin' this???

is it too personal, too whatever....???
self doubt floods me often!

then this really cool woman gave me that nifty little award
you may have seen floating on some blogs!
“to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative
energy and their talents, be it writing or artwork in all medias.”

kinda cool, huh?

the coolest part of the whole deal???
you're sposed to pay it forward!
THAT is the coolest part, i think!
it's that whole connection thing i love.
and the woman who gave it to me has a really generous
spirit. so the whole darn thing felt really good.

her name is zura beth and she's the creator of
definitely worth stopping by and checking out her whole site
and reading HER blog!

i'm sposed to pass this award to five other bloggers!

with pleasure!

i would like to award the Arte y Pico Award to:

lisa from
the first posting i ever read was her 'lisa vs social security'
post. i strongly, strongly point you to that post.
i cried and loved this woman so much when i read that.
lisa, your courage and strength amaze me!

karen from square peg people is one of my favorite
people in the world. her nurturing, gentle way mixed
with her humor and wisdom inspires me every day.
she combines great photos along with her words making
it all visually wonderful also! she's one of my heroes.
go check her out!

and then there's tom. i just like this guy. maybe cause
he's got the young guy energy mixed with one heck of
a wonderful heart. it's refreshing to me to read the guy
energy. he reminds me of my own sons. he has a blog
where he puts something he had written when he was
a really young guy. be sure to check out his may 31st
post! you'll see why i love him so much!tom's blog

speaking of guys who are like sons to me....there's my
son, josh. his blog has floored me from the very day he
began it. he's a natural writer and teacher, and while his
blog is aimed at guitar students, he never misses a chance
to mix life and philosophy thru out. and then mix it all
with his wit and brilliance and get a blog
that knocks your socks off. josh's blog

and my final award goes to lauren, who i think is more
beautiful than she can imagine. she's just begun. she's
quieter, shyer, and an absolute jewel. her last blog,
'things i learned this year' hit me hard and deep. i'm
lucky enough to know a little bit about what's goin' on
in her life....and with that in mind, i read her post. i
sat back and loved her. i so want to encourage her to
put out what's inside her. the world needs her.....
i'm hoping this award will help encourage her!
lauren's blog

go check out these five amazing people.

it is with respect and honor i hand you guys this trophy!
now, take it and pass it forward!

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