Wednesday, July 2, 2008

way cool cousins

ya know what's cool?!
having your cousin all excited to get
in touch with you cause she has a 'heart thought'
to share!
we just hung up with each other.....
and that's ALL we talked about.
no other subject. we each just had a few minutes,
so straight to the point.

she had an interesting encounter with her massage
therapist yesterday......came to the understanding
that it's OKAY to put fences/walls around your heart
sometimes. you have to protect it.
she felt an incredible sense of relief when she heard

i feel more confusion.
(i'm the thick headed cousin!)
i've been aware of that....that there are times you
need to protect what's inside of you.
i'm okay with that idea....
but in talking with her, i figured out what muddles

when i close to others to protect me, i close to
myself at the same time!!!!

that's an important point i hadn't realized til just

i guess it would be a 'balance' thing....
i'm not so good at balance.

if i can protect my heart, but leave it open to me....
well, then maybe that would be the way of choice at times.

so, now the thought process....the mulling that will
be taking place today.....

and how do i know i do that?
what is it i feel???

guess i'm gonna have to watch and listen.....

we did talk of maybe doin' a visualization where
there's a fence but a gate open to me.....
that'd be kinda interesting.....

have to give it some thought...

feel like i found a clear thing to look at, that muddles
me more than ever!

what else is new???

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