Thursday, August 21, 2008


i got a letter from an old friend yesterday.
he enclosed a picture of himself and another friend
of ours. both these gentleman are a good bit older
than i am. when we all met i was 19. and the one,
the other guy in the picture, seemed pretty ancient
to me way back then!

and i actually laughed out loud when my friend wrote
that this guy hadn't changed a bit. "he was old then,
he's old now."

i think that's the most interesting some
people are just always old.
i remember meeting someone who seemed 50 when she was
in her 20's. when she got to her 50's she was still the

what is that???


and then there's the young at heart....who always have
that twinkle, ya know?

i've seen absolutely stunningly beautiful old people....
they just totally glow. why? don't tell me they haven't
experienced enough to make them old and dull....
and yet they're beautiful and stunning.

i just think it's gotta be.

and somewhere at the heart of it all, i think gratitude
is so mixed into it.

maybe sittin' on the shelf next to the wrinkle cream,
we should have a jar of gratitude cream.
spread it on, soak it up, and watch your entire being
begin to glow.

1 comment:

JoyZAChoice said...

ya know, it's truly uncanny sometimes...what you write and what i'm thinking about. crazy uncanny. i so love this, terri. and even before i read 'jar of gratitude' i thought it too. crazy, fabulous, marvelous LIFE.