Monday, August 18, 2008

grieving less, anticipating more

the expectant parents this morning (see post below)
have me thinking a bit...

i really did love the whole baby deal. to me, the
entire process was beyond words. it changed my life
in so many ways...not just the obvious ones.

i remember being really really sad when it was time
to not have any more kids. i really remember grieving

and as i sit here today so thankful i am where i am
and that life has changed the way it has...i have to
kinda shake my head.

life is change, growth, flow....
it's a journey of releasing and changing.
if i could see the pattern and see that so many good
things come that i didn't even know about...maybe i'd
grieve changes a lot less.

it's kinda good timing for me to think about that as my
oldest son gets ready to move on out on his own and i see
an end of an era coming....

the boys will be gone in a end of an era, yes.
but where i need to focus is the start of an era that i
can't even imagine.

it's all where you look, isn't it?

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