Wednesday, October 29, 2008

his pop

i answered the phone.
i think he said one word.
maybe 'hey'......immediately i said
'what's wrong?'

it's that sound, ya know?
we've shared it too many times between us

his pop.
we gotta go.
see if we can help.

i could hear the gears turning.
airplane or car? when? what'll we do?

with any luck, we'll get his dad safe in
a nursing home.
that's with any luck.
that sucks, doesn't it?

we head out tomorrow. early.
the boys runnin' the show.
i miss them already.

how does his pop feel?
i'm leavin' my life for a few days
and know i'll miss it....

what's he leavin'?

we take our lives with us.
in any way we can.
strong ones even take them into
the nursing home.

i'm thinking he's not that strong.
and so i'll watch.

i'm sure i'll cry.
and with any luck, i'll grow.

1 comment:

Zura said...

Keeping you, him and his dad in my prayers.