Wednesday, October 29, 2008

oh my gosh!

was just hangin' up my clothes...
all showered, dressed and ready to
tackle the day....
turn and saw myself in the mirror.
and a thought hit me...

i'm just now tryin' to figure out what
i want to do when i grow up.
i'm tryin' to manifest my dreams.
(got that phrase from a teleconfrence
last nite)....
no. see i did that wrong.
gotta take the 'trying' out.
i'm manifesting my dreams.
thinking about where i want to go,
where i'm going, and what i want to create.

and it hit me....
when my mom was this age she was pretty
much done. she'd raised her kids, and didn't
have that 'what am i gonna be when i grow
up feelin'.' i think she had what a lotta
people have.....i'll just kinda hang out
and act like it's all okay.



i can't imagine feelin' that way right now.
sometimes i feel old...
but not THAT old!!!

and she wasn't either. my gosh, she wasn't either.
she just coasted into old from there.

ya know that quote you've seen passed around
a buncha times on the net about sliding into
the last stretch all windblown and disheveled,
screetchin' in and exclaiming 'woe~! what a ride!'??

no kidding. THAT'S what i want.

NOT coastin' in sayin' 'yeah, it was okay.'....
'i had a good life.'.....
can you hear it?!
you know the tone i'm talkin' about?!
that old person's tone who just gave up years
ago??? that tone???

i looked in the mirror and thought of all that....


it's your life.
you gonna grab it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! I love this! That's the life I want too!