Thursday, November 13, 2008

gray and cranberry

my back yard is a sea of leaves.
i just love it.
i'm going to try to convince the guys
not to touch it until i can help.
i want to be part of the sea!

you know those people who don't walk
thru the snow in their yard cause they
want it to be all pretty (i could NEVER
do that!) well.....that's how i feel
about the leaves right now.

it's gray out and novembery looking.

i got to my goodmorningworld spot and
was amazed at how cranberry colored
everything was.

no wonder cranberries are a part of
thanksgiving....they are the perfect

my insides match the outside.

no answers.
gray and cranberry.

and the beauty of the morning tells
me that my insides are just fine
bein' gray and cranberry today.

yo just came in to grab his shoes
sayin' he has to get out there, it looks
so beautiful.

someone raised that kid right!
if he messes up my leaves tho, i'll
have to pummel him.....


AlmightyHeidi said...

Ohhh I miss the leaves..yes...keep them as long as you can, jump in them..I even miss the smell...ahhhhhh.

Thanks for the picture in my mind!

Anonymous said...

I love that we live in the same area so when you describe things about nature and the weather I REALLY DO know what you are talking about :) When I cracked the bathroom window this morning I could hear the rain falling on the GOLDEN SEA in my yard. I love that sound. Love it. Like you love it on the roof. Aren't we funny and yummy :)