Friday, December 5, 2008

what a day!

ohmygosh what a fun day!
we went out and got stuff for josh's new place.
oh man.
we hit the thrift store too to look for furniture.
what a hoot that was.
four different tastes, tolerances and ability to
see potential ping ponged off of each other so
fast and got nowhere. it was so funny.

then over to josh's house to clean, paint, spackle,
fix, tear out, and cook his first dinner at his new
home! his brothers got him a microwave and a mr. coffee.
it was just so cool. we ohhhed and ahhed and raved
about them like they were amazing creatures or something.

i was painting in the kitchen listenin' to yo and josh
talkin' as they spackled the living room.
zakk was shufflin' all over the place doin' all the things
zakk does....

and i was just so darn excited for josh. and so tickled
for the brothers. they seemed to come alive at a project
to work on together like this house.

on the drive home i told him it was so close that it didn't
feel like he was leaving....just felt like we'd be sleeping
down a very long hall from each other!

we passed christmas lights and i remembered last year's
christmas. and the year before. dark ones.
this one feels so much better. so much more filled with
hope and possibilities.

i'm just lovin' it.

1 comment:

Merry ME said...

"It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home." ~Author Unknown

Sounds like Josh's new place is already full of love.