Thursday, March 7, 2013

a pretty cool place to start

i did the coolest thing and have to share!

i was in the psychic phone booth (the shower)
when i got a little nudge inside my thoughts -
'snuggle in and write yourself a love letter.'



that was a cool idea.
why not?
and i do try to listen to the thoughts that come in the shower.
so i was game.

as i was drying off, i glanced over at the tattoo pens a friend of
mine had sent me! multicolored pens that were safe to use to
make tattoos that would wash off.

ohhhh yeah.....
why not start here?

i hadn't yet used them.
i kept thinking i would, but every time i was going to,
i'd be rushing and never had the chance.

how perfect.
the first time i use them i'm going to write love letters ON myself.


and so i did.

and it was awesome.

and then i grabbed a journal, a pen, and snuggled into bed.

the journal was an old one already partly used.
for notes i'd written to my inner child.

hmmmmmmm.......this just keeps getting better and better.

let me start with a love note to her!

i started right in.
and i don't know what happens in moments like this,
but stuff just pours out of me.

and sure enough, i didn't need to sit and think about what
i wanted to just poured right on out.

and i started talking to her about when she feels like she's a
'bad girl.'

and how she's not.
how she's good.

and as i wrote, i could feel how huge it all was to me.
i could feel how important.
and i could feel how powerful this all really can be.

i was looking for something to work with the self love and the self doubting.
i think this is a pretty cool place to start.

and i so wanted to share!


Merry ME said...

Tattoo pens?
Great idea

Diane Stefan said...

What a great and fun idea - glad you followed through on it!! Also glad you put it in your journal to keep it there as well. . .the journal words will last longer than the tattoos. . .whew. . .Thanks Terri!