because zakk is an absolute genius when
it comes to all this web stuff,
he's made it so that my blog will now
be found on my website.
how cool is that?!
which means.......i'm movin' on over!
hoping that you'll move on over with
it's really cool, easy to read, and just so convenient to have
everything right there.
if you do come over there, be sure to check out the different buttons
on the top black bar. i'm all excited about those! we've got the
facebook covers and also images that can be shared on facebook or
pinterest or anywhere! they're under the button 'shareables' -
they're just right there really convenient.
you can find the blog there, any news we have to share and well.....
it's just awesome!
zakk did a great job!
you can now find the blog here........
and if you forget where the heck the blog is,
just come over to Bone Sigh Arts. com and you'll find it right there!
or bookmark it for really easy use!
and if you forget where the heck the blog is,
just come over to Bone Sigh Arts. com and you'll find it right there!
or bookmark it for really easy use!
I'm movin' with you - yay Zakk!!! Need my terri insights !!!!
come on over, missy! :)
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