Monday, April 28, 2008

babblin' phone conversations.........

my friends never know what to expect when they call!
i don't either.
i didn't plan on cryin' on his shoulder.
i didn't mean to.
it just happened.

a little stressed out this morning. wrapped like a tight
elastic band.....

he calls to share news about a friend we're concerned about.
'you worried?' i ask.
'yeah, a little.' he says.

tears come.

poor guy.
prolly thinking he shouldn't have said that.......

once the first tear breaks loose, more come.
i don't mean to.
they just start.
won't stop.

we talk about it.

i babble a lot.
can't make much sense to him....

making lotsa sense to me.....

i really really hate that i can't control everyone's
i really really want to make everything okay.
i really really hate that just cause you love people,
it doesn't mean their lives will be okay.

i so wish that's how it worked.

i'm a darn control freak.


deep breath.

obviously, it does me no good.
obviously, i need to let it go.

keep opening my heart, don't close down.....

and know that life just keeps on goin'.......
and it already is okay.

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