Wednesday, September 10, 2008

awards and feelin' a little shy


so i'm feelin' a little shy about this.

the point of this blog?
to put my heart out there and let anyone
who feels anything similar connect to it.
i have this vague notion that we're here to
be there for each other and we can only really
do that by layin' it out there.

and maybe it's in the act of opening that
life really happens.

that's it.

never quite sure if i'm doin' that....
but tryin' anyway.

so i got honored the last couple days by
getting TWO of these cute little funky awards
that say the people who gave me the awards
love my blog.

really cool.
it helps with those doubting moments.
of course, the people who gave them to me are

i've been distracted with some very real life
stuff the last few days and haven't had a chance
to put the award up.

kinda interesting too as i just sat myself down to
put it up and i just can't.

maybe i will later.
it's certainly not with any intent to minimize what
they did for me.
it means a lot to me that they'd do that.
karen's like a sister to me. (karen's blog)
and patti has always been very supportive.
(patti's blog)

rules of accepting the award are listing seven
other blogs. way cool. that way we all get a turn!
easy to do, there's a lotta wonderful ones out there!

i'm gonna do that in my own way.
gonna list them one at a time in blogs all by
themselves. that feels good to me.

in the meantime, thanks to patti and karen for
tellin' me they like what i'm doin'.

means a lot.

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