Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a little ilk here, a little ilk there......

josh has a gig comin' up.
so he's got his gear all set up in the
living room and he's practicing.

our house isn't that big.....there's
a lotta steppin' over his cords and such
to get to places. and i love it.
wish he'd leave it up there all the time.
i love to hear him play and sing.

so there he is, singin' away.

every time i walk thru i start hollering
and squealin' and dancin' thru, rootin'
him on.

there is no way your mood can take a dive
when that's goin' on.

yesterday, the guy i was meetin' with said
something about my 'ilk.'

my what?!

and it was comedy time at the table.
ohh ilk.
yeah, you know ilk.
and i only knew by the way he was usin'
his hands and arms and the conversation.
but somehow i knew.

what a cool word.

i looked it up and it said your status or
class. but the way we used it yesterday it
was more like your insides.
i like that better, so i'm changing it to
fit what i like.

as i sit here and listen to josh play
i am thinking of his ilk.
i like his ilk.
he has some pretty awesome cool ilk.

and then i think of mine.....
mine's not so bad either.
i can get by with my ilk.

i get by with a little help from my ilk.

what a fun word.

today is good.
i refuse to make it bad.
that's the nature of my ilk.

grinnin' away over here............

1 comment:

JoyZAChoice said...

ohhhh.... i wish you could see the silly grin on my mugg & hear the giggles comin' outta my face. you're so wonderful. ilk, indeed!