Wednesday, September 24, 2008

missin' him...

i woke up and checked first thing....

yep. there was a text message.

he went outta town yesterday.
he's a million miles away, different
time zones.

okay....okay....he's just on the
other coast. but still.....

it always feels like a million miles
away when he goes outta state....

i had texted him before i went to bed.

funny i always make fun of texting.
but once in awhile, it comes in real handy!

so there i was....first thing....readin'
these few lines like they were gold.

the kids woulda laughed.
i laughed for them.

i keep thinking about people mattering to
each other. i'm just not sure anyone really
gets how much they do.

seems like such an important thing to grasp.

to know it about yourself and the people in your
life.....and to show it.

sounds like a simple sentence, easy thought,
no big deal....

yeah, right.
do you know that you matter? do you show it to
yourself? do the people in your life know they
matter to you? do you show them? do you act like

if i had that down right there.....
i'd prolly be set for life.

i still have work to do there....
and a call to make...

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