Monday, October 13, 2008

business/life talk

i find this fascinating....

all the stuff we send outta here for bone sigh
arts goes out with our website on it.

shops don't like that idea. they don't want people
shopppin' on line instead of in their stores.

i get that. so we share our on line sales with
the shops. even if that person is never going to
go back to that store, if they're from outta
state and were just travelin' thru....we share
the sale.

i think it's kinda cool and works really well.

most shops relax when they hear this.
but not all.

i'm prolly one of the easiest people to work with,
but i stand firm on that. to me it symbolizes
working together and keeping each other in the
circle. it matters to me. i explain this to shops
and tell them if they're really uncomfortable with
it, we don't have to work together. i'm really
okay with that. it's about bein' a team.

one shop owner has embraced this beyond any others.
and it is with her that incredible things happen.
between the two of us and our weaving together,
we've managed to do some really cool things for

i talked to her today and told her i made up some
special business cards for her and i. they have
her shop and my website on them. i'm on the phone
sqealing 'how cool is this?! we are really workin'

we're both loving it.

interestingly enough, i talked to the one shop owner
today who hates that policy. he's the only one i ever
gave a break to about it and said i'd adjust things
for him.

he orders very little...haven't talked to him in ages.
and there he was today....

i typed up his order and stopped.....
our website is now printed on the artist statements
that we insert with the products. it's different now.
i would have to actually CUT OFF the website.

i stood there and thought about it.

nah....that's crazy.

and then i grinned.
i heard the fear in his voice today.
the economy fear i keep hearin' around me....

he's really scared.

fear isn't gonna work. i know that.
and cuttin' my website off the statements isn't
gonna help him sell more....

but i'm gonna do it.
my kids are gonna have a fit at me.
but ya know what?

i don't care.
if the guy is that worried....and it would
make him feel better....i'll do it.

i don't want to do it with others, but he and
i have talked at length about this...
and somehow today, it feels like a double whammy
of importance....

it's a giving to him....
and it's a grinnin' at the universe......
knowing it's all okay.

i'm throwin' in a present for him too, tellin'
him to keep the faith.

as i look at these two shop owners, i see fear
and i see love........

which one's gonna win?
my bets on love.

1 comment:

Sorrow said...

you are a dear heart...
and I knew
you would cut off the website..because you care..