Thursday, October 23, 2008


she tells me some sad story about someone losing their
home. she lowers her voice and says real hesitantly
'are you doin' okay?'

'yeah, we're gonna make it just fine.' i say.

we talk of the economy and jobs and finances.

hangin' up i go back to the order i'm workin' on.

the focus has been staying out of the fear, and stepping
into the flow....

and you don't have to tell me that a huge part of the flow
is gratitude. i totally believe you can't have that flow
without it.

tonite tho......i'm overcome with it.

i am sitting in my house...and yeah, i've been a little
leery about the heating bills coming up....but we'll have
heat. and we'll have a home.

and that's more than a whole lotta people have.

i feel sorta selfish having been so fearful.
when what i shoulda been is grateful.

okay, shouldas.
it is/was what it is/was.

but tonite i'm understanding how lucky i am.
and i'm bowing to the universe in gratitude.

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