Thursday, November 6, 2008

ponderin' a wish

i've really really missed my walks.
so i've been gettin out in the yard a bit
instead. that's been a treat. i'm not in
my yard enough!

the colors were so orange a few days ago...
real octobery.
and now it's more like november. turning more
browns and branches.....

wow i just love all of this change and color
and wind and beauty......

i brought some branches in and put them in
a vase on my table. they're gorgeous.

there's a million leaves all over my back

and the world keeps spinning.....
gonna go out and catch a leaf today and
make a wish....

i can't let the autumn go by without a wish
on a leaf!

now what exactly will that wish be?
hmmmmmm.....a good thing to ponder this morning.

1 comment:

AlmightyHeidi said...

I love your blog . I think you might be my twin sister (the nicer one) if..I actually had a twin that is. You write beautifully..please keep writing and inspiring.