Wednesday, December 17, 2008

compassion shortages....

wow, i'm tired....
i think i've hit the 'non-stop runnin'
part of the'll stop sooner
or later....but right now it's pretty

i was runnin' around gettin' ready to
spend some time with my guy tonite....

we don't see each other much, so it's
a big deal to put time aside for each other.
i was goin' crazy tryin' to fit everything

and then it occurred to me...
that's just the way it is right now.
i can go good crazy or bad crazy.

so i decided to go with good crazy.

then....i heard from a few friends....
and they each got hit hard by some hurt
inflicted by someone in their lives.

and i got to thinking about that.
how people do that to each other.
and so many times it's intentional.

and i wonder where the compassion is?
where did it go???

and then i got to thinkin' of my non-stop

run all you want, ter, go crazy, go the
good kinda crazy....and thru it all....
keep compassion in the front of your mind.
there seemed to be a shortage of it today.

and it felt like that in the things i heard today.
like there was a shortage of compassion at
the market.

maybe if some of us throw some extra doses of
it out there, maybe it'll start to balance back

specially now, ya know?
seems like it should be overflowing.....

so, okay.....
i'm gonna run like a crazy woman...but in a good
kinda way. i'm gonna laugh thru it.....
and i'm gonna throw extra compassion all over the

but first.....
some sleep!

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