Monday, December 1, 2008

silly men.......

you would think dating a hunter that i'd know
these things. but it's all just too silly for
me to take seriously and i forget.

so he was hunting today.
he stopped by in between morning hunting and
afternoon hunting.

i'm havin' trouble believin this myself....


he brought his little hunting clothes to change
into. thankfully he showered before he came over.

so it was time for him to get ready to go.
he went off to change into his little camo stuff
and i went to listen to some phone messages.
i turn around and he's all decked out and i grinned.

ya know....i just couldn't do it.
i couldn't walk around looking like that.

so he makes this weird bee line to the door.
i didn't understand it. it was odd.

the only thing i could think of was he was embarrassed
about his camo clothes. i mean, i woulda been.

so i laughed and asked him.
'are you feelin' embarrassed in your silly man
clothes?' and i just kept laughing. i can't help
it....these guys look so funny to me in those clothes.
like they think they're big men, and they don't know
they look like little boys in their pj's! so i'm
thinking that HAS to be it. he knows what he looks

that wasn't it.
turns out he didn't want my smell on him!!!!

i really laughed then.

sorry. i shouldn't have touched you.

they are SO weird.
he wandered off and i turned back to my studio,
thanking the universe i'm not male!

1 comment:

Sorrow said...

thats exactly what i told the teen when he came in wearing his camo stuff."looks like PJ's, is your undies Camo too?"
Geeez mom...