Monday, January 12, 2009


maybe being brave is not buying into that
incredibly strong feeling you get sometimes
that you're weird or less than. that shame
that creeps up that makes your face turn
red and makes you want to hide. that feeling
that comes in a thousand different ways but
always feels the same way way down deep.

mabye being brave is staring that down and
defying it.

maybe being brave is feeling that and turning
it around so that it's not holding you, but
you are holding it.

maybe being brave is the turning around that
you do right then. the turning around and grabbing
it. putting it out the door. and then opening
to better things.

maybe being brave is turning, holding,
releasing and opening.

maybe being brave is a dance that i can do........

1 comment:

Carmen Rose said...

You can. You have become a pro at it. You don't have to know you're doing it to be doing it. :)