Sunday, March 1, 2009

refining the mantra

so we were just hangin' out.
and i told him i needed a new mantra.
told him some of the lame stuff i'd
come up with and how it just wasn't
right and how i needed it to be right
if i was really gonna work with it.

he didn't miss a beat.
looked me straight in the eye and said
'i've got it, altho, i'm not sure if
you're ready for it.'

and i looked at him.

i can NEVER tell when he's playin' with
me or when he's gonna answer seriously.

he can be the most irreverent, crass person
you'd ever want to meet or he can be the most
sensitive and wise. you just never know what's
gonna come out.

he said 'it's big. we may have to break
it down for you, but it works for everything.'

i'm curious.

suspiciously i ask 'what is it?'

he looks me dead in the eye and says

'i am god.'


'works for everything' he said and grinned.

now.......some readers may get bent out of shape
with that one.

don't, okay?

i hesitated to put it up here as i didn't want
to make anyone cranky.

but it's nothing to get cranky about.

both he and i believe god is within us.
any more explanation than that, i can't really
give as i have none.

i just believe we carry god in us.

and when i say something like 'i want to be love'
it can prolly be translated into 'i want
to uncover the god inside of me.'

nothing to get bent out of shape over.

i looked back at him and grinned.

'believe it or not, i was headin' in that
direction, and i don't think it's too big.
i think it's perfect.'

then i hesitated.
'what can we break it down to?' i asked and laughed.
maybe i do need smaller bits.

we tried a few.
nahhhhh i'm gonna go with 'i am god.'
and i laughed.

not sure i can do it....but what the heck.

then i came here to a comment from a friend
with a great one!

'i am the beauty the gods had in mind.'

that one seems easier to hold....and even that
is pretty huge!

and then i just wrote one here without even
knowing it that i like....might be more my
speed than the strong, direct, 'i am god' thing...
maybe 'i am uncovering the god inside me.'

feels a little more my speed.

maybe i can put them together.

i am the beauty the gods had in mind.
i am uncovering the god inside of me.
i am god.


seems like you could tackle anything with that
mantra, doesn't it???

why does it feel like i have a long ways to go yet??


think i'll work with these a bit.......


Anonymous said...

okay, so i'm not cranky and I believe G*d is inside of us, too, but that G*d is bigger than that. maybe we're going for being inside of G*d. isn't that what flow is all about?

i think you've decided on this mantra already, but i was thinking of something like "i am G*d's work of art."

Anonymous said...

"when I remember that I am the Ocean, I no longer fear the wave"
No, I didn't write that, and can't remember who did, but I love it :)