Wednesday, September 2, 2009

back home....

home safe and sound.
we've had so little time together
lately that the ten hours in the car
the last two days felt like heaven.
lots and lots of talkin' and sharin.
was very good for us.

quick visit to see his pop.
his pop who is depressed and 'just

unfortunately for his pop, his health
is good enough he'll prolly be existing
for a long time.

i sat and watched and listened to his
choices and felt so sad.

he didn't make one choice i felt was
a healthy choice.
ahh....but that's not my place to decide,
is it?

so i watched and tried to learn and think
about my own choices.

it's all i could do.
that....and hold him in my heart.

if you don't see life as a gift, i guess it
changes everything....

1 comment:

Melissa said...

if you don't see life as a gift, i guess it changes everything....

amen. I needed a reminder to make that gift count....