Wednesday, October 28, 2009

worms, tadpoles and recyclin' plans

everything was soaked, but it had stopped
i walked out to the mailbox.
hmmmmm.....smells like tadpoles.

how weird.

i went around the house to get the recycling.
we have two bins. one by the back kitchen
door and one by my studio door.

i dumped one in the other and pulled the bin
around the house grinning.

'we have such a good system.' i thought.
it felt like such a perfect recycling plan, it
felt like the county had worked it out just for

it's gonna be a good day, i thought.
i'm feelin' like the county's recycling plan
was made just for me. i feel excited about
our recycling.

it's gotta be a good day.

hmmmmm....smells like worms. i thought.
i shook my head.
who knew?
worms and tadpoles smell alike.

and headed off for my walk....

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