Monday, March 8, 2010

women's day!

i completely forgot it was international women's day
today!!! i had noticed it on the calendar a week ago
and was teasing with bob cause it is also mustache
monday! what a great combination!

a friend just sent me an ecard wishing me a good one,
and i smiled...yes! the perfect day for this!

and another friend sent me a picture of a little girl
who just got her school pass in south africa!

how's that for the perfect celebration of international
women's day?!!

so i sit back and think of all that i have......
and all that i want to do. and all that i'm able to do
because i live where i live.

it's a mixture of both gratitude for what i have
and angst for women not so lucky.

i think of the feeling sad yesterday that things aren't
easier sometimes.
and i think 'you have got to be kidding. you're getting
soft, st. cloud.'

i've got so much.
and i'm gonna create even more!

and i'm celebrating that i can! and i'm celebrating
being a woman! and i'm celebrating women's day today!

to women everywhere......your spirit shines, your
strength and beauty glows, you rock my world!

and when you can't see your own glory, that's okay,
cause the rest of us see it, and we hold on to it for you.

that's one of the most amazing things about women.
we hold on to it for each other.
i love that.

lifting my tea to women!


AkasaWolfSong said...

Lifting my cuppa to you!

You are a Star! A big, shining,
GodStar! And it is okay to be sad every once in while...I was yesterday...grandson is still struggling sooo much and his Momma and Sister too. So I am going to celebrate their 'be-ing-ness' today as well.

We are all in this together! :)

Hecito! (It is so...Amen!)

Merry ME said...

Dang. With my life falling apart around me I forgot about IWD. I hear from Women to Women International that the theme this year is about building bridges (a la Maithri!). I was going to go stand on a bridge (Jax. is known to some of the City of Rainbow or 7 Bridges - not sure which, maybe both!). Not sure when I can get it done but will shoot for this evening.
Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for you uplifting and supportive heart not just of women but of humanity. Hu-woman-ty.

Merry ME said...

Dang. With my life falling apart around me I forgot about IWD. I hear from Women to Women International that the theme this year is about building bridges (a la Maithri!). I was going to go stand on a bridge (Jax. is known to some of the City of Rainbow or 7 Bridges - not sure which, maybe both!). Not sure when I can get it done but will shoot for this evening.
Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for you uplifting and supportive heart not just of women but of humanity. Hu-woman-ty.

Pamela Jones said...

Lifting my pinky and raising my cup!

Thanks, MerryME for the picture of a bridge -- love bridges, and love the ones we build here in blogland. Linking arms and hearts with all my sisters.