Monday, May 3, 2010

good habits that sneak up on you....

okay. i never planned this.
cause if i planned it, i never woulda
done it..

but i actually figured out today that i get
up early to exercise! that's why i get up
when i do. huh??

i used to get up early to work. i used to
stay up late to work and get up early to work
and work all day. those days of complete
terror have stopped. thank goodness.

then somewhere along the line i didn't want
to miss bob's early morning calls on his
way to i made sure i was around
for them.

and in between all that i walked.
then the walks became gold and i wouldn't miss
them. then there was jump ropes and trampolines
and now a treadmill.....

and suddenly i realized exercising in the morning
is a habit.

a habit???

oh wow.
how cool.

and i swear, if i had planned that out, i never woulda
done it.

so i gotta figure out how to sneak these kinda habits
into my eating! do good things without realizing i'm
doin' good things....just cause they feel good!

what a concept!

sippin' my water and thinking on this.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really great! Sounds like the best way to acquire a good habit. When you learn how to do that with eating, write it down, make a gazillion bucks and take me to lunch (and/or buy me another greyhound and pay the vet bills.)
I'm FULL of ideas!!