Wednesday, February 9, 2011

another great coffee break.......

we were talkin' ages.
i was tellin' her about my deal with turnin' fifty.
she's a little older than i am so i asked her about fifty.
told her i was hearing good things about it.
she said that she got sick when she was fifty.
and she was busy thru those years....busy gettin' thru that.

i remember.
that was one heck of a time.

she said she thought the perfect age ever was 42.
she thought that's when a woman knew who she was and
could enjoy life.

forty two??? i was surprised.
and i grinned.
that's when i was trying to piece my life back together.
i was busy thru those years...busy gettin' thru that.

i remember.
that was one heck of a time.

we smiled at each other.
how funny is that?
it really all just depends, doesn't it?

the last thing we said after hours and hours of chatter
and talking and sharing was about gratitude.
about how lucky we truly were.

it was the perfect ending to the conversation.

in the car on my way home, i thought a lot about two different
things she had said to me that helped me. one personally,
one professionally. she had given me some good food for thought.

i thought of her smile and how pretty she looked.
and how lucky i was to have her.

that's what today's visit was.

part of her is in me tonite.
some of her thoughts, her understanding,
her beauty.

i love that.
i so love girlfriends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coffee breaks are the best.
And conversations over coffee with friends? OH YEAH!
every time I read an email from you, I dash for a cuppa!