Friday, November 30, 2012

monika's blog

monika posted her blog yesterday.
when i read it, i cried.
and i ached with wanting to do something for her.

i've sat with her and heard bits of her story,
and know that she's not alone with this.

i want to spread this around to help increase our awareness,
i want to spread this around because it's vulnerable
and i really believe we need to offer vulnerable over and over again.
i want to spread this around to honor what she's going thru and gather energy around her.

she's a beautiful woman who astounds me with her strength.

sit with her a moment and hold her in your heart.
hold ryan in your heart.
hold all our veterans in your heart.

monika's blog -


Merry ME said...

Dealing with this stuff is so dang hard. We are left with so many questions and no answers. The holidays make it that much more difficult.

It is for sure not a time for strangers to be offering advice. If you ever feel the time is right, you might pass along Alana Sheeren's name. She's a grief coach, and so much more. Maybe you're familiar with her.

Holding Monika in my heart.

terri st. cloud said...

thank you, mary.
i got another resource as well suggested. i will definitely pass along to monika.

thank you for your heart!