Wednesday, March 13, 2013

one more

well, it's one of those things.
i guess i'm just not done asking for help with.

it's sue.
and the stars.

see two posts below.

someone just posted on fb that they were setting their
calender to send a reminder for 7am and 7pm for sending
healing energy and stars to sue.

how totally cool is that?!

so....i'm hopping in too.

gonna set my calender to do the same.
i love the idea.

and i love having the set times to do it.
wanted to share that and ask anyone who wants to join in,
to absolutely join in!
also, feel free to leave comments. i'm sending them her way.
the more the better!

to top it all off.......
i just met the most beautiful  friend i've known forever, but met
for the first time in real life.
she gifted me with some really cool gifts that carried the theme of hope.

and that theme has been runnin' thru my heart with the sue stuff here.

i was so touched.

one of the gifts was a magnetic poetry set with the theme of hope.


i'll be using that every day as well, with sue in mind.

join me in any way you like.
it would be magnificent to have you with us...


Diane Stefan said...

Sue is surely surrounded by a multitude of love, hope, prayers and stars. . .from old friends, new friends, friends of friends and friends she hasn't met yet. She is in our hearts. . .

Ron said...

Hi Terri!

Just stopped over from Barb's blog (Photo Dreamin) to let you know that will be joining you in sending stars to Sue.

I am a Reiki practitioner, therefore I believe in the power of energy and love.

Please know that I will keep your friend Sue in my daily meditations continually; sharing STARS!

(((((((( ****** Sue ****** )))))))))


terri st. cloud said...

i cannot tell you guys how much you're lighting up my heart!! thank you!

Sherry said...

Hiya Terri,

I've been thinking of setting up a facebook account for this sole purpose for a while now...but I haven't made the time to actually do it. But basically just a fb account to coordinate specific times for anyone in need so that prayers (reiki, stars, light, etc) can be sent collectively at the same time by anyone willing. This is reminding me to get working on it.