Tuesday, September 3, 2013

gaspingly beautiful

it's just too gaspingly beautiful-
i read this and said out loud to the room 'oh wow'
and then read it again three more times.

wanted to offer this today for you to hold.....
it's from mark nepo and his book 'unlearning back to god.'

'surely to be loved is the most nourishing and silent of gestures,
grossly overrated in its appeal, sorely underrated in its importance.
to be loved is nothing less than having a stranger, even one you know,
cross your desert to its center and pour their love like a bucket over
your heart to replenish your well. and so, a man or woman who has truly
lived, fully lived, has a wet rim around their heart from which there
are countess tracks in all directions; their outer lands trampled by
the comings of strangers and the goings of friends.'

1 comment:

Diane in AR said...

Breath-taking and heart-warming quote - wow. . .