Monday, December 9, 2013

a peaceful moment in a beautiful nite

it's sunday nite.
i'm writing this for the morning as i know i'll be hitting the ground
running - and i thought i'd grab a quiet moment while i could.

my pellet stove is going - which means there's a fire for me sit by,
my lit christmas tree is glowing quietly, and the ice out on the bare tree branches
is glimmering under the shine of the street light.

there is a peace all around me.

i sit here quietly taking it in,
feeling like the most blessed person on the planet.

it was a weekend full of celebrating and goofing off with family,
and then working hard to catch up on business...

the quiet feels like heaven.

i look around and soak up this space of mine.
thinking of some of the sadness that's come thru my email box lately.
all the pain everywhere.
and how lucky i am right now.
and how much i need to realize that.

the other day, as i was headin' out the door,
i stopped and looked around.
i had the decorations for josh's birthday mixed in with all
the christmas decorations.

i actually laughed out loud.
in my eyes, i looked incredibly wealthy.
and yet, there was nothing there but decorations and love.
you could tell whoever lived here liked to celebrate.
and all i could see was the richness of my life.

as i sit here in this cozy room,
i just have to believe the celebrating, and the appreciating,
and the noticing of things like beautiful ice outside the window
are the treasures of life. and right now my life is so full of them.

i know 'they' say that all the time.
but sometimes i forget.
i get busy trying to balance books that won't balance,
trying to pay bills that just won't stop adding up,
trying to make it all work....
i get lost in that at times....
or the sadness of the world knocks me over,
or the day to day disappointments can grab me and take me under...
and i forget.

but tonite....
sitting here..........
i feel like i have everything i could ever ask for.
and that maybe embracing and holding it with such gratitude
is the most wonderful act of living i can ever do.


Diane in AR said...

smiling, smiling, smiling with you and breathing it all in - peace, love, gratitude - we must never, ever forget to treasure those priceless gifts. . .

terri st. cloud said...

waving at my joy-filled bud!

Diane Stefan said...
