Monday, January 19, 2015

turn up the music!

january 19th is prolly a little slow to come up with some kinda
new year's resolution.

thing's the first day i feel alive again - really really alive again -
after being sick a bit and just who knows what all.

and a friend lost a friend and posted about it on facebook and
reminded us all to grab life and live it and that it was truly truly so short.

all of that has got me in a 'grab it' mood.
don't waste it mood.
manage your time better, terri.
pick the things that matter to you and concentrate there.
open the doors for people you want in.
don't be so quick to open the doors for things you don't have time for.
don't kick yourself over mistakes...
learn and move forward.
grab what you love and dance with joy.

i'm filled with all that today.
and thinking my life needs tweaking!
and it's still january so i'm callin' it new years tweaking!

life is short.
are you dancing with the time you have?

turn up the music!
here comes the good part!

1 comment:

diane in ar said...

Music, Dance, JOY, Live!!!!

Sounds like a plan - looking happily, dancily forward. . .