Tuesday, May 19, 2015

gonna watch those decisions...

there are times i rock a good attitude.
and times i don't.
and when i do, i'm always impressed with how much a good attitude improves things.
and then, of course, comes the bewilderment of why i don't practice one way more often.

yesterday was a hot and muggy day.
today more of the same, altho i can't tell if it's my good attitude,
or it's just nicer today, but it feels better today.
the good weather comes in tomorrow.

the quandry - there's not enough time for everything.
i gotta get the lawn mowed in between a thousand other things,
and with the good weather coming in, i REALLY wanted to garden.

soooo do i mow on the muggy days or the beautiful ones?
i chose to mow muggy, garden gorgeous.
and i knew it was my choice to mow in the muck.
and i knew i was doing it to make room for something i loved on a day it'd feel great.

so i went out and mowed in the soup.
and i tell ya, i got pretty soppy.
i was really good with it.
did most of it last nite, a bit more today.

i know darn well it was my attitude.
cause honestly, there are a million other things i'd rather do.
and feelin' that good about gettin' that soppy takes a good attitude.

i didn't want to set myself up with the ol' expectations that can get you
in trouble, so in case tomorrow's not beautiful, i have still vowed to garden
in the rain or whatever comes.

i covered my bases, baby!

and i see that the decision part of it really put me in a good mood.
i liked the decision, committed to it, and went. and have been happy
all the way thru.

yes, it's an odd example and who the heck cares that you mowed your lawn
and you're gonna garden?

the thing is tho......i rocked the attitude.
i sopped with sass.
and i love it when i do that and want more of it in my life.

so i'm watching how and why.

and i think the  knowing that it was my decision made a big difference.
so, like, just about everything i do is my own decision.
so why is this different?
i was consciously aware of it.
i thought it thru.
and took charge of it.
didn't feel like a victim to it.

and i'm thinking that if i'm not making all my decisions this way,
um.......i'm missing a lot.

so i'm off on a research trip into my days.
i'm gonna watch how i make decisions and which ones make me feel good.
and which ones don't.
seems like this could be really interesting.

a research trip into my mind........
oh man, i think i just started something!

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