Friday, May 30, 2008


the boys had me laughing so hard at breakfast that
i thought i'd fall outta my chair.

and as i laughed, i heard myself.....
it sounded sooooooo good!

this change your life week stuff has been good for
me. just kinda giving me that 'empowered' feeling
of goin' for what it is i want.......
and then sittin' back and sayin'......take me where
i need to go.......

however it works out, i want to keep the laughter
in my life.

easier said than done.

i've been a bit low on laughter lately.......and yeah,
i know, that's part of the deal. there's been a lot
of sadness.

there's a lotta good stuff right now.

that sadness hasn't left me. infact, i'm feelin' like
it's here for a long haul...
but it's allowing me to tuck it to the side and
laugh again.

and my gosh, that feels good.

and i'm thinkin' that i just have never realized
what a gift laughter is.

one thing i without it sure is a drag.

my plan today is to laugh as much as i can...
and each time i do laugh, i want to listen to it
and embrace it.

it's not a gift to be taken for granted!!

1 comment:

photoholly said...

laughter is wonderful and magical and healing, unless you have cracked ribs like me and it's just painful right now, but it is so necessary. I watch silly movies when I am sad, it always helps me feel better if I can laugh and if I can't laugh at "Tommy Boy" then I know I need medication. Hugs.