Thursday, July 10, 2008

she took her life back...part three

he had hurt me.
and he hadn't really even given me what i needed
in response to that. hadn't really given me what
i WANTED in response to that....

what i needed was there.......i just had to keep my
eyes open and see it. he wasn't making it incredibly
easy....but that part was up to me.

i chose to love him.
i chose to put it out there, let him know...then let
him know i was also aware of the love we had. and
i was going to concentrate on that.

it worked. has a power that never ceases
to amaze me....a power unlike anything else in the world.
it sealed the deal for me.

the awareness that i was stepping back into my life was
swirling inside of me....i knew something was going on, but
hadn't put it all together yet.

it wasn't until i opened up to my partner, loved him, and
let go that the deal seemed sealed.

i had made a shift.
i had let go of a ghost.
i had grabbed my spirit back.
and i stepped back into the game.

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