Thursday, August 7, 2008

feelin' happy

sometimes something will make me so happy,
i will think.....this is what heaven has to
be made of.

i just read about a friend havin' a happy day.

that is it.
just a happy day.

she's had a whole lotta hard days.
and today she felt happy.

i read her words and my whole insides lit up.

i think part of heaven has got to be feelin' happy
that your friends are happy......


Zura said...

Just caught up on reading your blog. And I want to say that I could read your words forever and I don't think I'd ever quit being moved, inspired and awakened.

You -- are -- wonderful!

Anonymous said...

well darlin
if that is heaven
you have just handed it to me on a silver platter

because i'm sitting here
crying like a baby
because you gave me that

where can you find that?
in you
and your boys
you give me that
so much

thank you for sitting on a cloud with me.. even in your feeling sick

god woman. thank you for it all
and the gift you are to me

xo xo xo