Thursday, August 7, 2008

yankin' all of us around

watchin' two people i care a lot about strugglin'
big time right now. they are both in such pain and
they keep yankin' each other back and forth tryin'
to get somewhere.

and another yank.
it's gotta be over.
another yank.
and here we go again.

my gosh, it's exhausting to watch.
and i guess cause i have the empathy gene real strong
in me,and i've been involved tryin' to help,
i am feelin' yanked around myself. i can almost
feel it physically!~

it's not a good feeling. i can't even imagine how these
two are coping with it. i figure i got the 'side lines' feeling...
not the 'in the midst of it' feeling. i'm gettin' off easy,
and it still feels lousy.

so. i sit here feelin' strung out.
i have control over that. i can do something about that.
i tell myself to just stop accepting the yanks. these aren't
yours, have nothing to do with you.

the thing is.....the only way i know how to stop it is to close
up a bit. i can do that. i'm a real good closer.
but i also know that part of me has to be very open now.

so it's gonna be a balancing act.

one i'm no good at.
no good at all.

well....gosh.......good deal then......
here's my chance to get better, huh?
here's my science experiment right in front of my face.

to explore the balance of opening yet closing, protecting
yet giving, helping yet accepting.

there it is....
that's what it is, isn't it???

if i accept the dance they must play out right now,
and accept that i can't take the pain away,
then maybe the balance will come easy.

so maybe it's not balance....
maybe it's that darn stinkin' acceptance stuff.

forever acceptance.

that's a big one, isn't it???

so one more time i will wander off and try to find
the ever elusive acceptance...

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