Thursday, September 18, 2008

dope slaps and testosterone

so i go from estrogen dinner to testosterone lunch.
my gosh.
fridays are lunch days with the kids....
well....the 'kids' are all way taller than i am
and can toss me across the room wtih their pinkies.

the energy they have astounds me.
and they're in that brother mode they get into.
the banter is fast and furious.
one liners from movies.
inside jokes that just barely make sense if
you're on the inside...
dope slaps mixed thru out.

another meal that found me laughin' so hard i
had trouble keepin' my head up.

this is a good sign.

we stopped in the store afterward. yo's like
eight feet tall, ya know? and it's his birthday
comin' up. so i launch into mother mode and do
the 'is there a goodie you want, yo yo?'
he puts his arm around me as we walk and i
lean my head into him. he's huge.
oh yeah.
guess he's not my baby anymore?
he'll be 20.

i'm not stupid.
i know these lunches won't last forever.
i know i have very few more times where
i'll ask 'can i get you a goodie?'
i know that every moment with them is a gift.

i leaned a little closer to him and gave
him a squeeze.

he turned the goodie down.
he watches my budget too darn much these days.
gonna have to just surprise him...

wish i could find just the thing that told
him how much i adored him....
all of them

next thing i know, we're on the way home, the car
filled with dope slappin' laughin' and more
testosterone than i ever coulda imagined......

1 comment:

Merry ME said...

I'm thinking he already knows how much you love him! But what's better than a birthday goodie? A surprise goodie wrapped up in olored paper and tied with curly ribbons. Don't forget the sparkly confetti. It gets everywhere when the box is opened and the gift getter acts all upset at the mess, but who, who, who doesn't like confetti mess?