Sunday, October 12, 2008

a day trip....

a day spent mostly in the car with the boys.
oh my.
are they sports.
yo was folded up in all kindsa creases
in the back of the mustang with me.
i leaned over (and it wasn't much of
a lean, we were practically sitting
on each other) put my arm around him and
told him what a sport he was.

later that day, zakk and i shared hours
in the back....

he would look dazed and confused at me
sometimes....and one time he sent me into
peals of laughter as he looked at me with
total amusement sayin' 'it's like sitting
in the back with a six year old!' that of
course, only encouraged more on my part!

those boys put up with sooooo much.

i'm not sure how many more of those trips
we'll all be taking....and so i treasure
them a little bit extra each time.

i don't know what it is, but it's the moments
when everyone's crazy, talkin' all at once,
bantering, laughing, hollering, total
chaos in a car where no one in their right
mind would ever want to enter.....

those moments.....
that chaos..........
that's just treasure to me.

those are the moments no stranger, no friend,
no other person could possibly enter.
they wouldn't happen if anyone else was there.

those are the moments that are totally ours....
and those are the moments that are my gold.

it was beautiful in the mountains today....
it was golden in my car today........

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