Sunday, October 5, 2008

a real hero at heart

i got ten minutes of reading in while
we traveled.....

long enough to read someone's definition
of love.....
it was something about having your own,
or the other person's spiritual growth in
mind with your actions.....

i just creamed it there....but that was the

plug in whatever words you like for 'spiritual
growth'....i believe those were the words he

there wasn't just one challenge this weekend..
there were THREE big ones....

as the day went along and each one got covered
in conversation, that love idea was in the back
of my mind.

and i watched.

with every single one, he came thru with incredible
flying colors. i never pointed it out.
just watched.

we had gotten together in the first place, years
ago, because we both wanted to figure out what
love was....

i'm watchin' him live it without even knowing it...

and i'm kinda stunned.
when the chips are down, and the man is struggling,
he's still living it and doesn't know it.

and my hero becomes even more of hero to me....
a dense clod at times, yeah.
but a real hero at heart.....definitely.

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