Sunday, October 12, 2008

so i get confused.
on a regular daily basis.

my love relationship will provide
much food for that confusion....
but only when i let it.

and well, i let it a lot.

was feelin' that yesterday morning.
and wanted to get rid of the confusion
and find the knowing.

it led into a great thought this morning that
might help me with the self love stuff.

(the self love, by the way, is the biggest
challenge that i think we all have...i'm talkin'
more than just thinkin' you're okay...i'm talkin'
some deeper layers here.....and i'm thinking when
we really get that down, everything is changed.)

so, i had to tell myself he wasn't the enemy.
and it took like a split second of seeing him
to have that enemy concept slip away....

and yet....the guards were out.
he noticed and commented with a grin.
he knows me way well.

most of the guards went away...but there were
still some messin' with my head.
he's not your ENEMY, ter. he'syour BEST FRIEND.
so i sat him down and told him about it.
said i needed some help in figurin' it all out.
and told him about it....

that right there is a huge concept that's fairly
new in my life. i think it came in with him....

that when you love someone and something's wrong....
go to them with it and work it out together....
trust in what's there between you. trust in the
wanting to make it better.

i type that and think 'terri, you've done that your
whole life, that's not new.'
but there's a twist to it that is new. it's now
done when i'm feelin' most threatened.
and that level of trust is new. the level of opening
is new.

and yeah, it works wonders.

so....i'm in the psychic phone booth (shower) this
morning....when it hits me.....

YOU are not the enemy ter.
YOU are your best friend.

and look....i can take the above paragraph and
put me/myself's in place of the other person..

that when you love yourself and something's wrong....
go to yourself with it and work it out together....
trust in what's there between you. trust in the
wanting to make it better.

that works well for me as i see the different parts
of me.....

too often i'm fighting myself and not even knowing it.
i figure it out when the exhaustion hits.....

trust in your wanting to make it better, ter...
and know that will carry you to where you want to go....

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