Monday, March 2, 2009

another mustache monday

last week's mustache monday got me a little
carried away! i ended up starting a mustache
monday facebook club! i gotta go over there and
see if anyone remembered!

as i was headin' in from my walk, my neighbor
was cleanin' off his truck. i like this guy a lot.
he's full of energy and cheerfulness.

together, we make quite a pair in conversation.

once, years ago, yo said he stood at our living
room window and watched my neighbor and i talking.
he said it was so funny to watch. lots of bending
over laughing and arms waving from both of us.

we exchanged goofiness and laughter and i asked
him if he really had to go in. oh yeah, his phone
had been ringing off the hook since three this

groan. okay. i told him to be safe and all that
stuff and headin' into my driveway.

hmmmmm.....he needs a mustache for today.
so i stopped in my studio, grabbed mine and put
it on and then grabbed an extra one for him.

by the time i got back to his driveway, he was
in his truck. i went up and knocked on his window.
he looked out his window and saw me in my mustache.
his reaction was so great. he sorta fell back and
then opened his door.

he laughed and said he didn't recognize me at

i explained mustache monday to him and handed him
one. 'here, it'll make your drive in more fun!'

he loved the idea. jumped right in.
'i have to hand these out!' he said.
as i walked away from his truck i listened to
him just laughing and laughing.....

and i grinned.

who knew?
mustaches are so much fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

great story terri !