Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a new ritual!

so along with this halloween costume huge
diamond ring i got, i also got matching
glasses!! did i mention that?!

well, i actually spent money on glasses
for the computer awhile back.
they don't magnify anything, they do
something with the glare so your eyes
don't get so tired.

well, just so happens my new diamond
themed glasses have the same kinda coating
and do for a buck what my twenty buck
glasses do!

i just ran in from havin' coffee with
friends. i wore my new 3 inch plastic
diamond ring to impress them.

they weren't as impressed and delighted
as i felt they could have been.

but i love them a lot, so i overlooked

i ran back down here to get to work.
popped on my diamond glasses and still
had the ring on.

was typing away like a maniac when it
hit me.....

hey......this is really perfect.
good energy.

i need to wear these when i work!
a ritual to bring in riches!!!

if the UPS man sneaks up on me (which
he's been known to do) i'm toast.

who knows tho, maybe he'll get inspired.

the diamond bobs up and down as i type.
it's distracting in such a fun sorta way.

i think i'm on to something here.

i have no doubt the riches will be pouring
in any day now........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Terri, you give me such a warm smile with this post. I love it!
And you.