Thursday, November 18, 2010


i am feeling so very honored...and humbled right now.

someone just wrote me and sent me a copy of a talk she
gave at a fundraiser for a shelter for victims of domestic

in it, she included one of my quotes.
which is why she sent it to me.

i sat and read about this woman who found her way out. and was
working hard on helping her children heal from the wounds.
and i was so profoundly moved.

and i get to witness this because one of my quotes moved her.

and that honors me so much i don't even know what to do with it.

i have been thru my own hard stuff. and i have found it so
challenging. but you know what? it doesn't even compare to
what so many women have been thru. it doesn't even make it
nearly to their level. and yet, i am honored over and over
again with people sharing their struggles and their triumphs.

i'm not sure how any of all this works.
and i don't want to even soil it with 'i'm not worthy.'
what i want to do is hold it with such complete awe and
humbleness and bow down to the strength and hearts of these
amazing women and thank them for including me in on their
paths just a tiny bit.

i am overwhelmed.
and so so grateful.
thank you for sharing your stories and your hearts with me.
your grace and your strength inspire me every single day.


Merry ME said...

You are SO worthy.
IT is your special gift to others.

Jennifer said...'re writings touch my heart in deep surges of pain, happiness, hope. Such a humaness - but then we are ... these women of courage. I just wrote a post called Turn The Page...perhaps you will see a little glimpse of me. I too, am in awe at the braveness of others. I still am not certain at how brave I am. Jennifer jennsthreegraces

AkasaWolfSong said...

It only takes a spark to get a fire going...and I thank you from deep within for being a spark in my family's heart this past year...because of you and others Firekeeper was able to go on to be the proud young man he is right now...and so I honor you in your honoring all of us!

Blessings Upon Blessings for all that you do!

madolu said...

just hold it, ter.
and be blessed.