Saturday, July 2, 2011

her center

sometimes my life is so hectic, i don't think about things until
i land in them.

knowing full well something is coming up, i will run around to
make the time for that something to happen, but it won't be until
i'm there that i even realize that this is going to be a big something
for me to enter into.

and sure enough, that happened yesterday.
getting lost in just trying to make it happen, it wasn't until
i was standing on the grounds of this beautiful old house that
i knew i had just landed into the sacred.

a woman i've met thru bone sighs is starting a women's center.
i've actually met a lot of women working at such places and maybe
even a few who were just starting them. so while it's absolutely
wonderful, it isn't unusual for me and i wasn't thinking when i
walked up. i was just showing up.

which is actually really nifty.
cause i got hit full force with this completely overwhelming
wave of energy as i walked into the place.

she won't be ready to open for a year yet.
so it's mostly empty, getting ready.
so how could it knock you over with the feeling?
but it oh so did.

more than once i got goose bumps as i wandered thru the house.
more than once i teared up.

this woman has taken her own personal pain and is in the process
of transforming it into something to help women.

and it's more than that.
as if that's not enough.

there was something sacred in the whole thing.
it was filled with giving and love and caring and thought...and safety.
i pictured the women and girls coming to this place and having
a safe place to be. i pictured the support and help and encouragement
that would go on here.

a haven.

because one woman said 'i know what it feels like to go thru this,
and i want to help.'

THAT is humanity at its best. and it's so darn odd how it comes out
of humanity at its worst. there is something so sacred about that.

and it echoed in this beautiful old house yesterday.

what an honor to be invited up to check it out.
what an honor to be knocked over with that energy as i walked in.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Thank you Ter~ I am truly humbled and honored by your words. Thank you for taking the time to see Turning Point. Having you see it meant the world to me.