Sunday, July 20, 2008


ever work real hard to keep your perspectives in order
and while you think you have really don't
in your heart??
maybe your head has it straight.....
but not your bones??
maybe the worry has twisted you up and made you fuzzy?
maybe the blurry future is just tweakin' you enough
to knock you off center and your bone knowledge is lower
than usual.....???

that happens to me, but i usually don't know my persepctives
are off and not really in my bones until i've got it in my bones....
it's then i think 'ohhhhh yeah.....i didn't really have
that then, did i ??'

i'm not exactly sure what the triggers are to get something
in my bones....if it's usually the same thing or not...
but this time it was reading a few thoughts from a beautiful

it started here........
with the latest blog called 'what's in the bowl.'

and then it finished off with an email this woman wrote me this
she doesn't know it. she was just sharing some thoughts.

but she brought it all back for me.......
that i have got to follow my heart no matter what.
that the money will come.....even if it slows down and scares
me. that caring and trying and believing and crying and
falling and getting back up and doin' it again are what it's
all about. that it's not just a business.....that it's a life....
and that i really am okay and will be okay. and that even when
none of it makes sense, you just gotta keep goin....

how did i get all that from one blog and one note?
from her beauty.
from her giving. from her caring. from her living her

and she's just doin' it. not knowing that she touched me,
moved me, reminded me, nudged me, guided me, helped me
find my way back........

it is in living our offerings that we transform overselves
and we touch the world.......she just proved it to me.

i wish that thought would stop slipping thru my fingers...
but maybe it has to.
maybe that's part of the deal......

in any case, i saw her beauty today, and it touched
me in places that have been too tight for me to touch on
my own.......

jenna, thank you.


Anonymous said...

I love the story both from you and from Jenna...Thank you for sharing Ter...for a lot of fill our bowls...I for one am very thankful!

Anonymous said...

it is what you do girl
it is why you keep doing

and in the art that you create
i think the slipping has to keep coming at times

to drive us to our next great place
to keep us just a wee bit short of complacent

for now that is
as you grow
so does the rest

i believe IN YOU in MY BONES
with my whole heart
and someday those worries
won't be worries so much

there will just be other things
slipping through fingers

wise people take those feelings
the fear, the WOWs and make something of them

you have proved that over and over again.. no doubt
