Wednesday, October 1, 2008

bein' a mom.......

walks are either thinking times or mothering
times. when i gotta have a good talk with a son,
i grab them for my walk.

this morning it was josh.
and we actually talked finances.

as i was gearin' up for the walk, i tried to
gather some thoughts. and i had to smile.

bein' on my own with these guys has stretched me
big time. plumbing always comes to mind when
i think of bein' stretches
me a lot. tryin' to talk cars....yeah, that stretches
me a lot. electronics....well, i try to stay tuned in one would know it, but just tuning in
is stretching me.

but finances. oh man.
and here's this young man tryin' to find a house and
go out on his own. he can rattle off stock market
jargon like it's nothing. he explains the economy
to me when i get muddled.
how can i help him with financial questions???
but he seemed like he could use a shoulder.

so i was in this to try.
we talked about stuff. house offers and counter offers
and interest rates and juggling numbers.....
i put all the facty stuff out there the best i could.
i think it just helped to organize thoughts and
bounce stuff off of someone. i hope it did anyway.

that's why i went out there with him. to give
him support and what little help i could.

but it wasn't til we got to the feelings that i felt
like i was doin' any real good.
how are you feelin' with all this stuff?
do you know what an awesome job you are doin'?
do you know how proud i am of you?
there's no pressure, it'll happen.
that mom stuff.

i honestly went out just to talk numbers.
but i'm thinking everything needs feelings mixed in.

maybe that's what's been missing with the plumbing jobs!

who knew bein' a mom would cover so much territory???

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