Thursday, February 26, 2009

'better thought hygiene'

it all kinda came at once....
i sat down here to finish up a few things
then dig in....

a precious friend sent me an article that
rocked. a woman crumbling into the dark
abyss and then coming out. and realizing
she needed better 'thought hygiene.'

oh did i love that phrase!

me too!

i need better thought hygiene!

big smile over here!!!

i went over to this precious friend's blog
and read her post about john denver and a
song that really affected her life....maybe
in fact, saved it....

'i want to live'

she posted a youtube link.
i bopped it on. and listened and thought of
her and the darkness she pulled herself thru.

and i cried.

and then josh sent me this picture.
he called. said 'check your email. i made you
a present.'

this is a picture of one of his favorite
musicians performing on stage.

he saw him in concert and said that he carried
this flag all around the stage. if he faltered
for one minute, he woulda looked like a fool.
but he didn't falter. he carried it off with
total wicked confidence.

he loved that and made one for himself to inspire
himself, and then thought i'd like one.

all of these things landed at once.

i'm turnin' to my work now.......
and i'm filled to the brim with giving
it my all........

sometimes life is just so darn cool.

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