Monday, February 16, 2009

christie's magical thinking

well.....ya know.......i think i can
get carried away with thought combination
day!!! (see post below)

i just stopped by my buddy christie's blog
and read her post on magical thinking.

i love that phrase.

so...i got to thinking.

what if i add 'magical thinking' in to
the living fully/trust thought combination
that i wanted to kinda play with today?!

where does that leave us?
or should i say TAKE US?!

living fully + trust + magical thinking =

ohhhhh don't you just want to find out?!

thank you christie for adding the magic
to my day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How neat that you mentioned my blog on yours, I actually now feel a part of the whole blogosphere thing. The important part of course is that you liked it, but then you are one of the most magical people I know...guess you just recognized yourself there.
So here's to thinking magically often, we'll remind each other.