Wednesday, January 8, 2014

would you fight for it?

i'm grinnin' as i type this 'cause i'm thinking of my friend when she sees it.
she'll know it's about her.
and yeah, friend, you inspired this one.....

it was the anniversary of a moment in her life where she came really close to dying.
she had to fight with all she had to make it thru, to stay here, and to come back
to the land of the living.

we exchanged just a couple notes about it and she commented on how hard
she fought to stay here.

that kinda caught my attention.

i think because she said something about it being odd that she would,
given some of her personal struggles. you might guess she wouldn't want to
fight for it so hard.

i think that's what did it.....
whatever did it, it caught me and later as i ate my dinner i thought about that.

what if it was you, terri?
what if you had to fight to stay alive?
to stay here?
would you fight?
oh yeah.
i know i would.

so why?

why would you?
what is it you're fighting for?

i asked her that at first.
and then i asked myself that.

and now i want to ask you that as well.......

would you fight?
if yes, why?

i was quite intrigued with the train of thought this took me on.
of the list of reasons.
of the things i wanted to do.

interestingly enough, there were more than one thing i 'wanted to get right'
before i finished up.

i liked that.
and i guess i really didn't realize that before.
well, in such a clear way anyway.
and it gave me a new perspective.
a fresh one.
yet another thing that feels really good to take into the new year.

so i wanted to offer it here for you to think about.
honestly, spend a few moments answering that
and see where it leads you.

if you say something like 'i want to stay for my kids.'
then keep going deeper. ask yourself 'why? what about that?'

'i want to stay because of my loved ones.'
why? what about that?

'i want to stay to offer my gifts to the world.'
why? what about that?

the more you look, the more you see.

i didn't even know my friend at the time this happened to her.
and now, because of her story,
she's helping me create mine.

it's just too darn awesome sometimes.

toastin' hers.
toastin' mine.
toastin' yours.

1 comment:

Diane in AR said...

Another great blog - read it early and came back to read again (and again) before commenting. . . Yes, I would fight for it - life, even with its hard times, has so much good in it. . .and we have so much to share, learn, give, experience. Life itself is a gift - I'm holding on as long as I can!