Tuesday, May 12, 2009

it'll be okay

there were trucks everywhere this morning.
the neighborhood was positively buzzing.

they've been behind, i think. not on
schedule. at least, i thought the trees
would be down long before now.

they've marked with their spray paint...
way further up than i thought they'd be....
and each morning i see those marks and cringe.

as they kept driving by this morning, i felt
how tense i was. i don't want them to do this
to my neighborhood.

i made a point of looking at every single one
of these guys wanderin' around my neighborhood.

i don't want to hate them. it's not them.
and so i looked at each one and smiled and said

and i walked faster to walk the fear out of me.

fear of having everything different and hating it.
fear of losing trees i love and feeling so sad.
fear of change.

amazing how the buzzing of those trucks made
my insides buzz......

i came home and dug up a plant i wanted to keep.
replanted it closer to the house. put my hands in
the wet dirt....

it'll be okay, i told the plant....and myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminded me of an image I've never forgotten.
When I was at Holy Redeemer, one Lent I did a slide show as the Stations of the Cross. Do you remember what those are? But this was all done with trees. I thought it was beautiful. For the station "Jesus is condemned to death" it show a gorgeous tree with a big X on it. Powerful.